Click the appropriate icon to move through the collection of MyCourts Users or Add, Edit, Delete or Cancel changes to Users. You will also need to click the Save icon to save any changes you have made.
MyCourts is pre-configured with a number of Roles that you can assign to your users. Each of these roles inherit the access available to not only their own Role but also to all the Roles below their Role. For example, a Supervisor can access areas protected by their own role as well as the ConsoleOperator and EveryOne roles.
The None role will, at present, not allow the user to proceed beyond logging in.
You are able to move the position of these roles to suit your needs. Select the role you wish to promote or demote and then the appropriate Up or Down button. If you do move them, don't forget to save the moves by clicking the Save button.
As this functionality is currently in betta, assigning roles to specific functions is not yet available.