This Control is extremely powerful and can be used to sort your membership database according to an almost infinite number of choices as well as filter and otherwise tabulate your data. You can also export your filtered data to Excel, Graphics, PDF files etc.
Print or Export Button will open the 'Print Preview' window which in turn allows you to either print the membership database to the printer or export the data to a wide variety of selections.
As with other display grids, you can change the information displayed by selecting and dragging columns onto this panel.
For example, if you drag the Last Name column header on to the Group Panel, the display changes and groups each record according to the selected columns name.
The navigation bar is always visible and allows you to quickly navigate through the list of members.
Click the 'Plus' button to add a new member. Clicking the 'X' button will discard any changes made whilst clicking the 'Tick' button will save your changes.