The Block Reservation window is accessed via either the Course, Event or ProSession that the particular reservations refer to.
To make a Block Reservation, follow these steps:
Select the facilities you wish to reserve. This is achieved by selecting the tick box next to the facilities name. Clicking the Group Name will automatically select (tick) all the facilities in that group.
Select either Option 1 or 2 and complete each item in the Option box. In Option 1, the dates can extend over more than one day and the reservation will apply to each day selected inclusive of the first and last date.
Click the Check for Conflicts button.
Leaving this window open, resolve any conflicting reservations detected. You can do this by moving the conflicting booking in the appropriate bookings window or by removing the selected facility from the Block Booking request. After resolving any conflicting reservations, click the Check Conflicting Reservations window again to confirm there are no conflicting reservations remaining.
Providing there are no conflicting reservations, click the OK button in the window displayed:
All the facilities available in your Club will be listed here under the appropriate Group name. Initially, the tree is collapsed and you will need to click on the Group name to expand the individual facilities concerned.
Select the date and time of when the first session starts and then select the date and time when the last session finishes. Reservations will be recorded for each selected facility and each reservation period between the two dates inclusive of the last reservation period.
Click this button to check all the requested facilities reservation periods for conflicting reservations. If there are no conflicting reservations, you will be given the opportunity to make the reservation.